

Presented from June 22 to September 30, 2022
as part of the City of Gatineau's Sentier culturel 2022

Note: now out of order

LGO2 takes place in the small waterfront park of the Maison du Citoyen in Gatineau:

Once you are present, to activate the installation, give it a complete turn (360°).

Title of the work: LGO2

Creator: PLAN B (collective formed by Jim Bell, Marc Fournel and Marc Lavallée)


The installation LGO2 (Les grandes Oreilles 2) proposes an interactive exploration of the sound territory of Gatineau-Ottawa. By manipulating the physical structure of LGO2, users can explore and reinterpret their everyday sound environment.

Sounds were recorded in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, within a 2.5 km radius of the installation, in January, April and May 2022. They were then transposed in a virtual sound space created for LGO2. By turning the structure and manipulating the right handle of LGO2, users can explore this virtual space and discover the sounds recorded by PLAN B. Depending on how fast they turn the structure and how quickly they manipulate the active handle, users can also create a new audio environment and experiment with their own interpretation of the sound territory.

Origins of LGO2

LGO2 draws its sources is based on the interactive audio installation Les grandes oreilles by Marc Fournel created in 2018 and presented the same year as part of FIMAV (Festival international de musique actuelle de Victoriaville).

For LGO2 presented in Gatineau, the electronic structure and the interactive programming were entirely rethought and reworked by PLAN B.

LGO2’s physical structure is inspired by the shape of old devices developed during the First World War, before the invention of radar, to "listen to the sky" and anticipate the possible arrival of aircraft.

The physical aspect of LGO2 uses the formal principles of an obsolete technology and integrates current electronic and digital technologies to propose an interactive experience that interprets through sound a portion of the territory of Ottawa and Gatineau.

Setting up


PLAN B would like to thank the City of Gatineau for the invitation to present LGO2 as part of the 2022 Cultural Trail and the DAÏMÔN center for facilitating it.

Thanks to Sanja Ljaskevic for the recording of the truckers' demonstration in January 2022 of which we used an excerpt.

Thanks to the couple from the New Edinburgh area of Ottawa for allowing us to record them mowing their lawn.

Thanks to the lady whose dog was fetching a ball and who allowed us to record their game in MacDonald Gardens Park in Ottawa.

Thanks to the Manx Pub for the recording of their indoor atmosphere.

Thanks to the Tooth and Nail microbrewery in Ottawa's Hintonburg district for the recording of their indoor activity.

Thanks to the Hull Casino at Lac Lemay for welcoming us for our recordings.

Thanks to the Monsieur 4 Roues Car Center for allowing us to record their pneumatic screwdriver.

Thanks to the Larocque Park tennis players for allowing us to record their game.

Thanks to the Conservatoire de musique de Gatineau for allowing us to record a piano class.

PLAN B would like to thank Florian Grond, Sharon Hackett, Christina Oltmann and Janek Oltmann-Fournel for their constant support and help.

PLAN B would also like to thank the "gang" who helped with the transportation and physical set-up of LGO2: Annie, Christina, Janek, Michael, Nicolas and Simon.

Thanks to Eric Benjamin for his gift of the ambisonic microphone used to record all sounds.